Welcome to the 82nd Airborne Division - A United Sim Army Team
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AA Game Servers
82nd #1
82nd #2
82nd 2.8.5

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Server Donation
Dallas Server Fund
$0 (0%) Goal: $25
Due: 1st

Information & History

Recent Donors:
May 27, 2018
Feb 26, 2018
Feb 10, 2018
Jan 21, 2018


82nd Airborne Division of United Sim Army Teams plays Armed Assault!

As a team, 82nd works together on TeamSpeak in various roles:

  • We have dedicated pilots who transport equipment to the front lines!
  • We have artillery units and spotters who rain down fury upon the enemy!
  • Airborne infantry C130 drop missions!
  • Airborne sapper missions!

If you would like to join 82nd in our adventures, click on the link below to fill out an enlistment application and join our TeamSpeak:

Requirements to join our server

In order to join our servers using custom addons, and to keep your addons for 82nd seperate from others (recommended for compatibility with other servers), you must 1st either know how to either edit your arma launch icon to reflect addons as shown below:

  • Create a '@82nd' folder inside of your Arma folder or let our packaged zip files create it
  • If you want to, copy and re-paste your arma icon back to your desktop for a copy
  • right-click arma icon, choose properties and edit like so:

    Note: Vista users do not need quotes around a program directory/filename containing spaces. Queens Gambit/Gold Edition requires the '-mod=DBE1' switch

OR have Arma Launcher installed and setup like so:

Packaged files you will need per server mission

The 1st file contains all custom addons that 82nd uses. For quicker downloads, download just the file that is related to the mission the 82nd server is running. Unzip any of these files inside your ArmA folder. All files listed under '@82nd' will unzip into an '@82nd' folder. If you want to host a server, you ALSO will need the 'MPMissions' files. Download these to your ArmA folder and unzip them. All files will be moved into 'MPMissions'.

Missions@82ndMPMissionsIndividual Addon files

Individual addon mod files

These files can go into your C:\Program Files\Atari\Arma\Addons, or, to keep them seperate from stock files, C:\Program Files\Atari\Arma\@82nd (follow launching instructions above)

For members, Squad URL for your player is: http://82nd.us/arma/squad.php