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82nd_DXO_COL=Shad Re: my old ban this is for shad

Colonel (COL)

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 1754
From: Oklahoma City, OK

He needs to go to the ban appeals forum on aao25.com

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»4/28/2014 20:57 Profile Visit Website

Visitor Re: my old ban this is for shad

Posted by: sparta (

shad sir !! ur my hero ty and i promise u and assist that iam going to play clean but i want talk to you my my ban my cousin his real is sari his name in game was -=R383L=- he got banned for aimpoint
and it was hes first time to get ban i dont know why it is prem and its the first time i got ban first and i got just 1 week so why he got prem ban
what i just need is to speak to assist and what's going on and if u can help to get back in the game
he got banned 8 monthes ago
if u can or cant ty and ty for my ban to
grats sparta!!!
»4/28/2014 16:12

82nd_DXO_COL=Shad Re: my old ban this is for shad

Colonel (COL)

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 1754
From: Oklahoma City, OK

ban lifted

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»4/27/2014 21:15 Profile Visit Website

82nd_DXO_COL=Shad Re: my old ban this is for shad

Colonel (COL)

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 1754
From: Oklahoma City, OK

I'm not trying to tie them together. Just pointing out that Assist gave one person a permanent ban, and Sparta a week long ban. I was actually wondering if it was for the same thing and what they know for sure about this 'aimpoint' hack that isn't just conjecture on their part.

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»4/26/2014 16:13 Profile Visit Website

Account Deleted Re: my old ban this is for shad

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_3BX_MAJ=Renegade
The three accounts that are listed on assist for the aim point hack are unbanned as far as assist bans, however this -=R383L=- account that you have listed above Shad, there isn't anyway to tie them together is what Killaman told me and he thinks it's two different people. Only way I can even try tie them together is they are both from Israel and frag rates are almost identical and that isn't concrete evidence but my gut says they are one and the same. I see no reason to unban the -=R383L=- account even if they are same person as you can't play but one account at a time anyway. Below is what Killaman sent me today.

I'm not entirely sure. all 3 of the accounts listed in the hall of shame post are unbanned. The account the guy tried to get unbanned is not one of them.
I don't think they're the same people. The user requesting the unban is claiming it was an aimpoint hack but all I see is "private hack loaded" I don't think we have any way of knowing. Unfortunately I cannot check the Assist logs as the users hasn't played since before our system was up.
Also, Shadi/trogdor/sparta also posted in the ban appeal thread so either he's a different person or he has 2 forum accounts and was trying to get himself unbanned.
Another reason I think its a different person is why ask for your account to be unbanned when you have an unbanned account to play on?
»4/26/2014 13:47 Profile Visit Website

Account Deleted Re: my old ban this is for shad

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_XOG_1LT=Soup-Bone
I say if assist lifts the ban then we should to.
But NOT until then... We would look pretty bad if was to do it without them lifting it first......And if they do,, Im with BAD on this one,, give him a trial period....
»4/26/2014 11:04 Profile Visit Website

82nd_DXO_COL=Shad Re: my old ban this is for shad

Colonel (COL)

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 1754
From: Oklahoma City, OK


82nd_3BX_MAJ=Renegade wrote:
The account that was banned for aimpoint hack was the 82nd account and it was only for a week and it expired 8 months ago and he has been playing on that account for that last five days.


I have sent a message to killman and hope to get an answer soon as to whats up. If something was overlooked or he didn't realize ban was only for a week or has been caught again.

eh the ban Assist made permanent was for -=R383L=-
I hope you asked Killaman about that one...or maybe Bart -
seems like he has a differing opinion about Sparta getting only 1 week (http://aao25.com/forum/anti-cheat-95/watchlist-trogdor-arizona-v4/msg71562/#msg71562) and -=R383L=- getting perm banned

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»4/26/2014 5:58 Profile Visit Website

82nd_H1P_2LT=Bad Re: my old ban this is for shad

2nd Lieutenant (2LT)

Joined: 1/18/2009
Posts: 52
From: USA

I've never played with sparta, but this is my two cents. (sadly its all im worth :-( )

If this was just a tool to help him aim or whatever, or a aim bot is two completely different things, how to prove one of the differences i have no idea...but when he was caught he had our tags on him which probably made us look pretty bad.

As far as unbanning him, im not sure...there is still the chance that even though assist says hes been clean for a while, there is always the possibility of something that we can not see from screen shots. I offer a trail period, say a week. let the screen shots gather up, we can take a look at them, check his over all games to see the ratios. keep and eye on him and go from there.
»4/26/2014 2:46 Profile Visit Website

Visitor Re: my old ban this is for shad

Posted by: sparta (

plz shad say hey to my friends
and say hey specially to::
»4/26/2014 2:12

Visitor Re: my old ban this is for shad

Posted by: sparta (

so iam going to unbanned
iam clean iam playing normal and i have skills with mos and everthing right now and assist just give me an 1 week ban so u to need to ban for 1 week all i want to say that iam sry shad sir and when i was in this clan i made some frineds and if you can say to them hey from me grats sparta!!!
»4/26/2014 2:02

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