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Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

[21/12/2013 02:09:19] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] same clan on same team?
[21/12/2013 02:09:19] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u like minors too goog
[21/12/2013 02:09:20] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] same clan on same team?
[21/12/2013 02:09:26] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] <<< i do
[21/12/2013 02:09:37] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] Programatic ReadOnly Mem
[21/12/2013 02:09:38] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] rapture nobody is talking to u
[21/12/2013 02:09:53] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and noone likes u so ur point is?
[21/12/2013 02:09:59] Goog [DEFENSE] woah calm down you hybrid from new york
[21/12/2013 02:10:05] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [ASSAULT] sr only :P lol
[21/12/2013 02:10:10] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] lol hybrid with a tin foil hat
[21/12/2013 02:10:19] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] rapture then suck my dick'
[21/12/2013 02:10:22] Goog [DEFENSE] need an ice pack tin foil boy
[21/12/2013 02:10:24] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] ty'
[21/12/2013 02:10:37] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] wow, boys take a bed pls
[21/12/2013 02:10:40] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] Goog ur sexaul predator
[21/12/2013 02:10:46] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] nibiru is coming. too bad the sun killed nibiru
[21/12/2013 02:10:55] backpain4u [DEFENSE] You going to believe is 13 year girl who craves ATTENTION?
[21/12/2013 02:11:01] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] rapture ur pussy ,
[21/12/2013 02:11:04] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and the annunaki isnt gonna send humans a note
[21/12/2013 02:11:05] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] you both like each other?
[21/12/2013 02:11:06] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] lmfao
[21/12/2013 02:11:11] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u got married off fuck book
[21/12/2013 02:11:21] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] Dagod relax lol
[21/12/2013 02:11:26] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] atleast i get married noone will marry ur looney ass
[21/12/2013 02:11:27] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [DEFENSE] USE UR GRAMMAR!!!!
[21/12/2013 02:11:36] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] Rap chill
[21/12/2013 02:11:37] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u proud of that huh?
[21/12/2013 02:11:40] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] Dagod chill
[21/12/2013 02:11:47] backpain4u [DEFENSE] You going to believe is 13 year girl who craves ATTENTION?
[21/12/2013 02:11:49] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] corrupter shut it. he started in on googer
[21/12/2013 02:12:01] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] lol no bro
[21/12/2013 02:12:02] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] all cause of door blockingh
[21/12/2013 02:12:12] Goog [DEFENSE] corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:12:16] Goog [DEFENSE] come into |M| TS or 82nd
[21/12/2013 02:12:18] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] i can get her father on ts then yall can have a meeting about time and place
[21/12/2013 02:12:20] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] i can get her father on ts then yall can have a meeting about time and place
[21/12/2013 02:12:21] Goog [DEFENSE] i wanna talk to you
[21/12/2013 02:12:24] backpain4u [DEFENSE] HEER FATHER
[21/12/2013 02:12:25] backpain4u [DEFENSE] OH NOOO
[21/12/2013 02:12:31] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ohhh no not her father
[21/12/2013 02:12:39] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] lmfao
[21/12/2013 02:12:51] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] the same one that said cprrupter was harassing her
[21/12/2013 02:13:14] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I never did that
[21/12/2013 02:13:15] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I never did that
[21/12/2013 02:13:26] backpain4u [DEFENSE] You texted her constantly.
[21/12/2013 02:13:27] AscIepius. [ASSAULT] oh noes
[21/12/2013 02:13:31] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ummm i had to have a talk with u in our ts
[21/12/2013 02:13:36] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] do u not remember that
[21/12/2013 02:14:06] Goog [DEFENSE] corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:14:11] Goog [DEFENSE] come in a ts where dagod isnt admin
[21/12/2013 02:14:11] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] everyone just stfu and play the game
[21/12/2013 02:14:20] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] yeah I guess so I didn't do that
[21/12/2013 02:14:21] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] this aint jerry springer
[21/12/2013 02:14:28] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I am the bigger man
[21/12/2013 02:14:34] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] nobody came in here saying nothing
[21/12/2013 02:14:35] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I will hush up
[21/12/2013 02:14:41] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] but ppl with smart ass comments
[21/12/2013 02:14:45] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] u barley have facial hair yet ur a bigger man? lol
[21/12/2013 02:14:49] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] Kicking people for C slots.
[21/12/2013 02:14:50] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[21/12/2013 02:14:59] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I have more hair then you?
[21/12/2013 02:14:59] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] stop hating
[21/12/2013 02:14:59] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I have more hair then you?
[21/12/2013 02:15:07] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] lmfao no u dont son
[21/12/2013 02:15:08] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] you look like a freakshow pedophile
[21/12/2013 02:15:27] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] everybody comes and plays on our server so don't need to prove shit
[21/12/2013 02:15:29] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] lol even wifey says u creep her out with ur avatar
[21/12/2013 02:15:42] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] they play, but you kick.
[21/12/2013 02:15:57] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] backpian suck dick
[21/12/2013 02:15:58] AscIepius. [ASSAULT] D:
[21/12/2013 02:16:00] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] SORRY
[21/12/2013 02:16:00] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] loool
[21/12/2013 02:16:00] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] who cares just p[lay man
[21/12/2013 02:16:02] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] i wont suck dick
[21/12/2013 02:16:06] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] I don't need to suck dick.
[21/12/2013 02:16:10] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] Because you already got one up your ass.
[21/12/2013 02:16:15] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] That needs to be pulled out.
[21/12/2013 02:16:20] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] sit cowboy
[21/12/2013 02:16:22] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] you can't just start shit and then say who cares just play
[21/12/2013 02:16:24] Goog [ASSAULT] come into M ts?
[21/12/2013 02:16:24] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] tony romo
[21/12/2013 02:16:27] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ok now what u guys are doing is harassment let alone s
[21/12/2013 02:16:28] Goog [ASSAULT] i want to explain something to you
[21/12/2013 02:16:28] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] lol
[21/12/2013 02:16:31] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] Aliens are attacking.
[21/12/2013 02:16:39] Goog [ASSAULT] OH MY GAWD
[21/12/2013 02:16:40] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [DEFENSE] not saying its aliens
[21/12/2013 02:16:41] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] such hostility in this place
[21/12/2013 02:16:42] Goog [ASSAULT] WHERE IS MY TIN FOILH AT
[21/12/2013 02:16:44] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [DEFENSE] BUT ITS ALIENS
[21/12/2013 02:16:44] Goog [ASSAULT] OMGOMGOMG
[21/12/2013 02:16:54] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] at least i'm not a perve
[21/12/2013 02:16:56] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:17:01] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [DEFENSE] btw, dicks are great
[21/12/2013 02:17:03] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] lmao...
[21/12/2013 02:17:04] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] yes Rap Sir?
[21/12/2013 02:17:07] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] hey corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:17:11] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] hello
[21/12/2013 02:17:11] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] thought you a different hybrid
[21/12/2013 02:17:15] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] can u say Giving porn to a minor in jail?
[21/12/2013 02:17:19] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ok listen. attacking googer and atti
[21/12/2013 02:17:21] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] You believe that little girl?
[21/12/2013 02:17:24] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] in a sexual harrasment way
[21/12/2013 02:17:24] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] goog will never do such thing.
[21/12/2013 02:17:28] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] for real thats fucked up bro
[21/12/2013 02:17:29] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] will get yall BANNED
[21/12/2013 02:17:30] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] SHE CRAVES ATTENTION
[21/12/2013 02:17:34] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] BUT HE DID
[21/12/2013 02:17:34] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] You don't understand that?
[21/12/2013 02:17:35] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u type like bitch I'm done back lame
[21/12/2013 02:17:38] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] stop now before i have to take action
[21/12/2013 02:17:43] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] I don't use swear words to back up my case
[21/12/2013 02:17:44] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] last warning about all this bs
[21/12/2013 02:17:48] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] because you are just a hypocrite.
[21/12/2013 02:17:49] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] get a lawyer
[21/12/2013 02:17:53] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] wtf u said ,your daddy touch u a place u dt like
[21/12/2013 02:17:57] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I don't know what you are talking about
[21/12/2013 02:17:57] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] Get some education.
[21/12/2013 02:18:05] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] stfu zork...
[21/12/2013 02:18:06] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] hes telling people to suck dick
[21/12/2013 02:18:07] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] you ain't in this shit
[21/12/2013 02:18:09] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] small town backp[ain
[21/12/2013 02:18:11] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] bring it boss
[21/12/2013 02:18:15] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] calling people pedophiles. thats harrassment
[21/12/2013 02:18:16] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] who is?
[21/12/2013 02:18:20] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] dagod
[21/12/2013 02:18:29] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] it stops now or i will have him banned
[21/12/2013 02:18:37] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] gamers with fellings lol
[21/12/2013 02:18:42] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] gamers with feelings lol
[21/12/2013 02:18:42] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] Feelings?
[21/12/2013 02:18:44] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] we had our fun. now it stops
[21/12/2013 02:18:45] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] you're protecting that girl
[21/12/2013 02:18:46] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] pffff.
[21/12/2013 02:18:46] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] stfu
[21/12/2013 02:18:47] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] why not?
[21/12/2013 02:18:52] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] sure okay
[21/12/2013 02:18:57] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] its going to far. lets nip it in the bud
[21/12/2013 02:18:57] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] lol i quit this game 5 years ago ,and 5 years later same shit
[21/12/2013 02:19:00] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] its going to far. lets nip it in the bud
[21/12/2013 02:19:01] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] I'm a fucking marine you don't wanna fuck with me
[21/12/2013 02:19:07] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] can you all just hush up & play thanks
[21/12/2013 02:19:08] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] can you all just hush up & play thanks
[21/12/2013 02:19:25] Goog [ASSAULT] corrupter its your friend and clan spreading lies
[21/12/2013 02:19:28] Goog [ASSAULT] so deal with it
[21/12/2013 02:19:29] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] Provin' points, all good.
[21/12/2013 02:19:40] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ok guys the fun has been had
[21/12/2013 02:19:45] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] mmmmm adrenaline :P
[21/12/2013 02:19:48] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] stop all the harassment now and lets play
[21/12/2013 02:19:52] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] no they are not lying
[21/12/2013 02:19:56] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] damnit
[21/12/2013 02:20:00] backpain4u2 [DEFENSE] sry
[21/12/2013 02:20:05] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] ha
[21/12/2013 02:20:05] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] WTF
[21/12/2013 02:22:18] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] corr... im just getng a beer 4 u birthday man....
[21/12/2013 02:22:30] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] thanks bro
[21/12/2013 02:22:58] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] Rum & coke :D
[21/12/2013 02:23:00] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] Rum & coke :D
[21/12/2013 02:23:29] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] CubaLibre
[21/12/2013 02:23:50] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] hooah
[21/12/2013 02:23:50] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] CubaLibre
[21/12/2013 02:24:00] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] ohhrah
[21/12/2013 02:24:42] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] e there
[21/12/2013 02:24:57] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] blah
[21/12/2013 02:24:58] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] w00t w00t
[21/12/2013 02:25:00] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] BITCH
[21/12/2013 02:25:54] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] pwned
[21/12/2013 02:25:57] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] :D
[21/12/2013 02:26:51] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] blind
[21/12/2013 02:27:08] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] :D
[21/12/2013 02:27:26] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] how the hell did that nade get me
[21/12/2013 02:28:42] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] ops wait!... i have a 1/4 of JoseCuervo Tequila`s
[21/12/2013 02:28:50] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] bottle
[21/12/2013 02:29:05] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] thats 4 u corr...
[21/12/2013 02:29:13] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] arriba, abajo...adentoooo
[21/12/2013 02:29:23] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] does goog do anything or just sit every round?
[21/12/2013 02:29:23] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] carai
[21/12/2013 02:30:12] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] say that again Ken
[21/12/2013 02:30:15] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] IW as afk
[21/12/2013 02:30:23] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] tony romo
[21/12/2013 02:30:27] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] lol
[21/12/2013 02:30:31] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] i take a shot of tequila
[21/12/2013 02:30:35] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] giants lol
[21/12/2013 02:30:38] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] oh right lol
[21/12/2013 02:30:57] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] giantsand the jets a triple lol
[21/12/2013 02:31:28] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] :D
[21/12/2013 02:31:32] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] hey corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:31:35] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] hello
[21/12/2013 02:31:37] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] nice shot
[21/12/2013 02:31:43] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] can u join offiacal aao ts
[21/12/2013 02:31:49] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] for a few secs
[21/12/2013 02:31:52] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] why?
[21/12/2013 02:31:56] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] cause i asked
[21/12/2013 02:31:58] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] lol
[21/12/2013 02:32:00] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] lol
[21/12/2013 02:32:09] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] I don't think so
[21/12/2013 02:32:11] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] lol
[21/12/2013 02:32:26] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] so thats a no?
[21/12/2013 02:32:32] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] yes I think so
[21/12/2013 02:32:41] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ok thats fine. nxt time i see harassment
[21/12/2013 02:32:45] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] its bans
[21/12/2013 02:32:57] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] plain and simple
[21/12/2013 02:33:03] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] since u dont wanna talk
[21/12/2013 02:33:27] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] I am not doing that
[21/12/2013 02:33:32] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] i will let the other devs and mods know
[21/12/2013 02:33:42] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and that will be the last time we talk about this
[21/12/2013 02:33:45] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:34:02] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] you going to Dev & Mod for what?
[21/12/2013 02:34:12] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] u dont wanna talk so use ur imagination
[21/12/2013 02:34:44] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] 1st Floor North Warehouse
[21/12/2013 02:34:44] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] I am not doing nothing
[21/12/2013 02:34:56] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] I didn't started the shit
[21/12/2013 02:35:00] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] I don't have to join in anotehr TS3 if I don't wwant to
[21/12/2013 02:35:01] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] I don't have to join in anotehr TS3 if I don't wwant to
[21/12/2013 02:35:06] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] another*
[21/12/2013 02:35:12] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] thats exactly right
[21/12/2013 02:36:03] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] al lthe shit stops. read the TOS agreement
[21/12/2013 02:36:05] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] Corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:36:12] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] yes Sir?
[21/12/2013 02:36:13] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ur clan is in violation of it by what they say
[21/12/2013 02:36:28] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] tell DaGod to mind his own buisness before it bite's him in the ass
[21/12/2013 02:36:30] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] of what your clan members say about a certain person
[21/12/2013 02:36:43] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] its harassment and it will not be tolerated
[21/12/2013 02:37:37] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] I'm the one being harrassed this time
[21/12/2013 02:38:01] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] dagod im not talking to u, im talking to corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:38:03] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:38:04] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] How bout you don't talk about it
[21/12/2013 02:38:18] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] and leave it alone and play the fucking game
[21/12/2013 02:38:20] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] ffs
[21/12/2013 02:38:56] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] This is all I'm saying. It's better to talk it out, better than to accuse.
[21/12/2013 02:39:11] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] You've got to have cold-hard evidence that 'Goog' has done such thing.
[21/12/2013 02:39:13] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] respect ADMIN
[21/12/2013 02:39:30] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] screw that. no charges filed. noone in jail. so quit accus
[21/12/2013 02:39:39] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ur breaking the TOS
[21/12/2013 02:39:42] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] so stop
[21/12/2013 02:40:00] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] but its ok to talk shit 1st to me though right?
[21/12/2013 02:40:07] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] yeah ok
[21/12/2013 02:43:26] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ok guys listen. just stop all the accusing
[21/12/2013 02:43:30] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and just play
[21/12/2013 02:43:36] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and everything will be fine
[21/12/2013 02:43:46] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] just stop the kiddie shit and play the damn game
[21/12/2013 02:44:04] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u keep talking nobody is talking but u rap
[21/12/2013 02:44:10] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:44:11] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] and you keep on going...
[21/12/2013 02:44:29] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u need the last word ? go ahead u can have it
[21/12/2013 02:44:39] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] shuttt uppp
[21/12/2013 02:44:40] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] now
[21/12/2013 02:44:44] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] shut up dagod. ur the one agging it on
[21/12/2013 02:44:45] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] All he's asking is to stop accusation... IS THAT SO HARD MAN?
[21/12/2013 02:44:50] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ur gonna get ur clan into shit
[21/12/2013 02:44:57] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] so shut up and play
[21/12/2013 02:45:04] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] rap I'm not scared of u
[21/12/2013 02:45:08] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] sigh...
[21/12/2013 02:45:11] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] He's not threatening you.
[21/12/2013 02:45:16] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] quit the macho shit.
[21/12/2013 02:45:17] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] Stop all
[21/12/2013 02:45:18] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] and ur cheerleader either
[21/12/2013 02:45:34] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] All i hear is hot air
[21/12/2013 02:45:34] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] love is in the air ..<
[21/12/2013 02:45:45] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] PLS CAN UR GUYS STOP and let`s play
[21/12/2013 02:45:47] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] what are you guys complaining about?
[21/12/2013 02:45:51] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] This is SOMETHING serious.
[21/12/2013 02:45:53] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ok fine he wants to play like that
[21/12/2013 02:45:54] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] group hugs
[21/12/2013 02:46:00] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] save the drama for yo momma
[21/12/2013 02:46:07] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] loll
[21/12/2013 02:46:13] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] nah thats it corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:46:22] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] I'd had enough
[21/12/2013 02:46:23] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] what am I doing?
[21/12/2013 02:46:24] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] u cant keep ur clan members in liine
[21/12/2013 02:46:29] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] then the devs will
[21/12/2013 02:46:38] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] That was... Uncalled for.
[21/12/2013 02:46:50] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] 82nd ADMIN
[21/12/2013 02:46:54] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] Zork control yourself
[21/12/2013 02:47:02] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] rgr
[21/12/2013 02:47:05] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] Thank you.
[21/12/2013 02:47:37] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] lets get a w 1st
[21/12/2013 02:47:40] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] ,,I,, (-_-) ,,I,,
[21/12/2013 02:48:12] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:48:20] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:49:38] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] wtf
[21/12/2013 02:50:29] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] last guys idle
[21/12/2013 02:50:47] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] lyer :)
[21/12/2013 02:51:27] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] he lies last guy at s-r
[21/12/2013 02:51:42] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] now last guy idle
[21/12/2013 02:51:43] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] lol
[21/12/2013 02:51:53] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] lol
[21/12/2013 02:52:21] [Bk]Jabk_bk [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:53:33] =IGC=Sm@sher^ [DEFENSE] hey billy
[21/12/2013 02:53:43] =IGC=Sm@sher^ [DEFENSE] last idle
[21/12/2013 02:54:04] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] hey Billy
[21/12/2013 02:54:04] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] gjt
[21/12/2013 02:54:05] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] billy, get on 82nd ts please.
[21/12/2013 02:54:08] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] we gotta talk.
[21/12/2013 02:54:11] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] can you join on our TS3 for a min
[21/12/2013 02:54:24] 82nd_H1P_2LT=Billy [DEFENSE] ABOUT?
[21/12/2013 02:54:27] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] Just get on.
[21/12/2013 02:54:31] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] Just get on. It's urgent.
[21/12/2013 02:54:53] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] rt
[21/12/2013 02:54:55] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:54:59] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] lol oh shit
[21/12/2013 02:55:02] MadDog386 [ASSAULT] heh
[21/12/2013 02:55:20] MadDog386 [ASSAULT] hehe
[21/12/2013 02:55:28] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] ty
[21/12/2013 02:55:36] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] all the e rushing out the window now?
[21/12/2013 02:56:01] MadDog386 [ASSAULT] haha damn front flip :P
[21/12/2013 02:56:04] =IGC=Sm@sher^ [DEFENSE] tmx man
[21/12/2013 02:56:19] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] he has received a 3 day ban from assist per ME
[21/12/2013 02:56:41] =IGC=Sm@sher^ [DEFENSE] sry
[21/12/2013 02:56:47] =IGC=Sm@sher^ [DEFENSE] nice rush ppl
[21/12/2013 02:56:51] V!c!0u$_V!rU$ [DEFENSE] npo
[21/12/2013 02:56:56] V!c!0u$_V!rU$ [DEFENSE] np
[21/12/2013 02:56:58] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] who got banned?
[21/12/2013 02:57:01] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] S&R cor?
[21/12/2013 02:57:03] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ur friend dagod
[21/12/2013 02:57:05] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] yes sure
[21/12/2013 02:57:11] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] why? what did he do?
[21/12/2013 02:57:29] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] we at assist do not tolerate hate remarks and remarks
[21/12/2013 02:57:31] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] we at assist do not tolerate hate remarks and remarks
[21/12/2013 02:57:32] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] thats messed up who gives you the power to do that?
[21/12/2013 02:57:39] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] saying someone is a pedophile
[21/12/2013 02:57:58] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] its a case of cyber bullying and we do not tolerate that
[21/12/2013 02:58:09] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] being one is worse
[21/12/2013 02:58:18] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] Dagod didn't do anything wrong
[21/12/2013 02:58:20] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] especially when its saying somone has sex with kids
[21/12/2013 02:58:29] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] Dagod didn't do anything wrong
[21/12/2013 02:58:35] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] you just start with him first
[21/12/2013 02:58:51] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] zork tell corrupter to come talk to me
[21/12/2013 02:58:55] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] no one even saiud that
[21/12/2013 02:58:55] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] on ts and ill explain
[21/12/2013 02:58:58] 82nd_H1P_2LT=Billy [DEFENSE] chat logs dnt lie
[21/12/2013 02:59:04] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] its in the chatlogs
[21/12/2013 02:59:14] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] he said Goog is a pedophile
[21/12/2013 02:59:16] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] ok the truth will always prevail
[21/12/2013 02:59:20] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and that he liked minors
[21/12/2013 02:59:25] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] exactly
[21/12/2013 02:59:26] -MoroccoBoy [DEFENSE] dahuman is stupid noob
[21/12/2013 02:59:30] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] corrupter come talk to me
[21/12/2013 02:59:32] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] for postying porn to a 14 yr oldpossibly
[21/12/2013 02:59:37] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] so i can explain
[21/12/2013 02:59:40] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] female at that
[21/12/2013 02:59:53] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] 13yr
[21/12/2013 02:59:56] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] did he get charged? or is it hear-say?
[21/12/2013 03:00:06] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] i was a witness
[21/12/2013 03:00:54] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] so will i get banned as well for sticking up for whats right?
[21/12/2013 03:01:03] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] like i said the truth will always prevail
[21/12/2013 03:01:12] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [ASSAULT] that my dj name
[21/12/2013 03:01:15] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] zork stop while you are ahead
[21/12/2013 03:01:15] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [ASSAULT] t3uth
[21/12/2013 03:01:23] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] what is Zork doing?
[21/12/2013 03:01:25] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [ASSAULT] google it
[21/12/2013 03:01:28] -MoroccoBoy [DEFENSE] ty
[21/12/2013 03:01:28] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] a 3 can be am R? :O
[21/12/2013 03:01:32] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] wtffff/
[21/12/2013 03:01:35] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] Contining this bs
[21/12/2013 03:01:45] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] he not doing no BS
[21/12/2013 03:01:56] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] He's making uncalled remarks.
[21/12/2013 03:02:28] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] If I hear one more thing again about it I will start kicking
[21/12/2013 03:02:28] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] truthful remarks.. not hateful or harasing or anything. but i will respect admin
[21/12/2013 03:02:31] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] guys. just stop. play the game
[21/12/2013 03:03:18] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] man...and all of this mass start in a fckng blockdoor
»12/22/2013 14:16

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

Patriot you let rapture and his crew to infulence you on taking sides and allowing intentional tks to happen in the server

no warning no nothing no mute nothing you was just thirsty to kick ban me for kicking u the other night
»12/22/2013 14:04

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

[21/12/2013 03:02:28] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] If I hear one more thing again about it I will start kicking
[21/12/2013 03:02:28] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] truthful remarks.. not hateful or harasing or anything. but i will respect admin
[21/12/2013 03:02:31] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] guys. just stop. play the game
[21/12/2013 03:03:18] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] man...and all of this mass start in a fckng blockdoor
»12/22/2013 14:01

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

Goog tked me after he blocked a door an thats this whole bullshit happen

its ok if you reject the ban but patriot will be bann from AAS server , any 1 else from 82nd are welcome
»12/22/2013 13:56

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

Intentional tk is not a violation either right?
»12/22/2013 13:55

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

Then i shouldn't be the only 1 banned
[21/12/2013 02:07:11] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] admin goog blocking dlors can i tk him?
[21/12/2013 02:07:39] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] lol Dagod
[21/12/2013 02:07:43] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] LOL
[21/12/2013 02:07:53] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [DEFENSE] only if ur naked
[21/12/2013 02:07:58] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] get naked baby
[21/12/2013 02:07:59] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] its the porn goog tries to give to minors him acting like that
[21/12/2013 02:08:00] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [DEFENSE] and WE ARE KIDDING U
[21/12/2013 02:08:02] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I am half naked
[21/12/2013 02:08:05] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] get naked baby
[21/12/2013 02:08:06] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] get naked baby
[21/12/2013 02:08:06] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] get naked baby
[21/12/2013 02:08:11] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] HUAHAUHAUHAUHAUHA
[21/12/2013 02:08:15] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] I will not get naked for you
[21/12/2013 02:08:18] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] no i want him naked damn u
[21/12/2013 02:08:19] 82nd_G1_PVT=AdmiralJ [DEFENSE] gaaayems
[21/12/2013 02:08:26] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] Aleluia
[21/12/2013 02:08:30] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] shaaaaaalong
[21/12/2013 02:08:33] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] its the porn goog tries to give to minors him acting like that
[21/12/2013 02:08:39] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] you're waearing your bday suit right?
[21/12/2013 02:08:46] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] right goog?
[21/12/2013 02:08:46] backpain4u [DEFENSE] You believe that little girl eh
[21/12/2013 02:08:46] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] yeah pr0n is good
[21/12/2013 02:08:49] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] lol no
[21/12/2013 02:09:01] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] we <3 PrOn
[21/12/2013 02:09:09] Goog [DEFENSE] i like prons
[21/12/2013 02:09:10] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] arent you supposed to wear that on your bday?
[21/12/2013 02:09:17] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u like minors too goog
[21/12/2013 02:09:19] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] same clan on same team?
[21/12/2013 02:09:19] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u like minors too googQuote:

82nd_COH_CPT=Armyman wrote:

Reason: Cyber Bullying/Harassment against other player's after being told to stop multiple time's.

Witnesses: Rapture, Goog, Atti, Patriot.
»12/22/2013 13:53

82nd_DXO_COL=Shad Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Colonel (COL)

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 1754
From: Oklahoma City, OK

Hard has been with us on TS, he should know that we do not condone ghosting at all.

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»12/21/2013 20:32 Profile Visit Website

Account Deleted Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_H1_CSM=Patriot
HardMatic you weren't banned because of anyone's Else's decision it was mine. 82nd server's have rule's and you broke them that will include a ban. Simple as that. Now you are accusing me of ghosting after I've played in strictly no ghosting clan's my whole AA2 career which is 7 year's total. You are crazy man. I think at this time your ban appeal will be rejected, and you're clanmate have one warning/chance or action may be taken against them. Good Day.
»12/21/2013 20:28 Profile Visit Website

82nd_DXO_COL=Shad Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Colonel (COL)

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 1754
From: Oklahoma City, OK

at the moment its:
When it rotates dates it'll be whatever covers 12/21/13

Appears that Hard was accusing Goog of stuff. I don't know the history of it, or whether Goog deserved it, but personal attacks of other players (besides the normal crap talk) is not wanted on our server. One of our scrolling rules running in the server 24hrs a day is "Respect Others". Not getting along with others and being accusatory leads to unwanted drama.
If people come into our server and receive that kind of treatment all the time it wouldn't be a cool place to come play.
If Hard was asked to stop with this before, then the ban stays.

The stuff with Rapture, Hard, or AAS is between them and I'm not touching that.

Hard, you're a decent guy otherwise, but you need to chill out and quit being this way. If you think I'm misunderstanding this, feel free to post a reply.


[21/12/2013 02:08:33] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] its the porn goog tries to give to minors him acting like that
[21/12/2013 02:08:39] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] you're waearing your bday suit right?
[21/12/2013 02:08:46] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] right goog?
[21/12/2013 02:08:46] backpain4u [DEFENSE] You believe that little girl eh
[21/12/2013 02:08:46] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] yeah pr0n is good
[21/12/2013 02:08:49] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] lol no
[21/12/2013 02:09:01] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] we <3 PrOn
[21/12/2013 02:09:09] Goog [DEFENSE] i like prons
[21/12/2013 02:09:10] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] arent you supposed to wear that on your bday?
[21/12/2013 02:09:17] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u like minors too goog
[21/12/2013 02:09:19] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] same clan on same team?
[21/12/2013 02:09:19] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u like minors too goog
[21/12/2013 02:09:20] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [ASSAULT] same clan on same team?
[21/12/2013 02:09:26] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] <<< i do
[21/12/2013 02:09:37] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] Programatic ReadOnly Mem
[21/12/2013 02:09:38] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] rapture nobody is talking to u
[21/12/2013 02:09:53] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and noone likes u so ur point is?
[21/12/2013 02:09:59] Goog [DEFENSE] woah calm down you hybrid from new york
[21/12/2013 02:10:05] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [ASSAULT] sr only :P lol
[21/12/2013 02:10:10] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] lol hybrid with a tin foil hat
[21/12/2013 02:10:19] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] rapture then suck my dick'
[21/12/2013 02:10:22] Goog [DEFENSE] need an ice pack tin foil boy
[21/12/2013 02:10:24] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] ty'
[21/12/2013 02:10:37] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] wow, boys take a bed pls
[21/12/2013 02:10:40] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] Goog ur sexaul predator

[ Edited by 82nd_DXO_COL=Shad on 12/22/2013 2:22 ]

My Computer
»12/21/2013 19:54 Profile Visit Website

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

I want a link to the chat logs I want the whole thing if you don't mind .
»12/21/2013 19:25

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