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Visitor Re: ]IvII[l2y0^

Posted by: Ryo (

sorry, I wrote in Portuguese,

You're being unfair and accusing me of absurd things. I would be ashamed to ban someone like that. My nephew is 11 years old, he's not guilty of anything. A child. I'm 32, am no kid of you to enter server and be using much less player cheat ghost!

You're being unfair and accusing me of absurd things. I would be ashamed to ban someone like that. My nephew is 11 years old, he's not guilty of anything. A child. I'm 32, am no kid of you to enter server and be using much less player cheat ghost! If you were in doubt, so was changing team. Put me and my nephew on the same team. Do not kick or ban
»4/9/2013 15:44

Visitor Re: ]IvII[l2y0^

Posted by: Ryo (

You're being unfair and accusing me of absurd things. I would be ashamed to ban someone like that. My nephew is 11 years old, he's not guilty of anything. A child. I'm 32, am no kid of you to enter server and be using much less player cheat ghost!
Voce esta sendo injusto e me acusando de coisas absurdas. Eu teria vergonha de banir alguem dessa forma. Meu sobrinho tem 11 anos, ele nao tem culpa de nada. Uma crianca. Tenho 32 anos, nao sou nenhum moleque para entrar server de voces e ficar usando cheat muito menos jogador fantasma! Se estavam na duvida, era so mudar de time. Colocar eu e meu sobrinho no mesmo time. Nao kick ou ban
»4/9/2013 15:41

Visitor Re: ]IvII[l2y0^

Posted by: Ryo (

Good afternoon,
I want you to prove that I was playing with cheat.
Player ghost? My nephew plays with me, he is not no ghost. The nick is it you guys banned xbox and also without any discretion.
Also do not use the program to change IP, why not have to use it. Voces invented a lot of things just because dying. I do not have perfect aim, my shots are normal like you guys. My ping is too bad I can still play a little of what I know. I'ma player americas army long ago, never used anything and will not be now that I use or cheat.
»4/9/2013 15:36

Account Deleted ]IvII[l2y0^

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_3BX_MAJ=Renegade
30 day ban for cheating. Player was using another to ghost out opposing team for kills and is suspected of hacking also due to perfect aim and killing people before and way to hear or see them. Also was using program to alter ip every couple minutes.
»4/9/2013 15:15 Profile Visit Website

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