Originally posted by: 82nd_IR15_CPT=Chris Originally posted by: 82nd_S3_CPT=Alaska I thought we all agreed on,
82nd_Rank.Name or something like that?
»6/13/2009 20:45
Re: AA3 Soldier Names
Originally posted by: 82nd_COD_CPT=Green Sir, I registered for AA3 (i do not have the beta only the pre-load) and I was able to fit my entire name on without a problem. Which is as long as yours is I think. I don't know why it would not let you. 82nd_A2P_1SG=Green
»6/13/2009 20:11
AA3 Soldier Names
Originally posted by: 82nd_COD_CPT=Chris I do not know how many of you have the beta or pre-release version of AA3. I have the beta...
I am pretty sure this is an ok thing for me to post without violating the non-disclosure agreement. I ran into a prob while creating my soldier. My 82nd "name" will not fit. I believe the name slot only allows up to 15 char.
Can we or have we come up with a compromise on game tags for AA3?
I know there may be some people who can input their name but I cannot. I am just trying to get my stuff up to par before we make the switch.
»6/13/2009 18:30
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