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82nd_DXO_COL=Shad Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Colonel (COL)

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 1754
From: Oklahoma City, OK

Stop with the drama people.
Appeal denied.
Thread locked.

My Computer
»12/22/2013 17:32 Profile Visit Website

Account Deleted Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_H3P_2LT=billy-no-guns
i play for fun not FR i used to now just fun play with old player i agree hards an ass now shut up he knows it too just drop it its supposed to be fun not world war 3

next person to start on this comment i will ask to have a ban for few day..drop the shit have fun or ban .. I cba with this shit so close to xmas is dumb

[ Edited by 82nd_H1P_2LT=billy-no-guns on 12/22/2013 21:33 ]
»12/22/2013 15:29 Profile Visit Website

Account Deleted Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_H3P_2LT=billy-no-guns
lock this fing post end offf ffs its a game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
»12/22/2013 15:25 Profile Visit Website

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: Attitude (

If you're posting that spanky is going to ban us if this keeps on going, then why do YOU keep on coming in here to start things up again? Accept the fact that you are banned on their server and move on. You're the one that keeps on dragging yourself into this. Please leave this nice clan alone, and move on with your life.
»12/22/2013 15:21

Account Deleted Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_H3P_2LT=billy-no-guns
lock the post no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
»12/22/2013 15:17 Profile Visit Website

Account Deleted Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_H3P_2LT=billy-no-guns
why was i involved i got woke up for chat log ....just for hard ...me and hard had prob we sorted it and civil to each other and he will admit he was an ass and abusive with players calling hackers like most of my friends anti brendawitch and loads more me and hard fell out loads cause of it and i wouldn't back down or he wouldn't so =/ but i wasn't on chat logs say it all and they cant lie so top admins to deal with

[ Edited by 82nd_H1P_2LT=billy-no-guns on 12/22/2013 21:15 ]
»12/22/2013 15:13 Profile Visit Website

Account Deleted Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_H1_CSM=Patriot
[21/12/2013 02:36:05] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] Corrupter*
[21/12/2013 02:36:12] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] yes Sir?
[21/12/2013 02:36:13] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ur clan is in violation of it by what they say
[21/12/2013 02:36:28] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] tell DaGod to mind his own buisness before it bite's him in the ass*
[21/12/2013 02:36:30] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] of what your clan members say about a certain person
[21/12/2013 02:36:43] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] its harassment and it will not be tolerated
[21/12/2013 02:37:37] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] I'm the one being harrassed this time
[21/12/2013 02:38:01] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] dagod im not talking to u, im talking to corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:38:03] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:38:04] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] How bout you don't talk about it*
[21/12/2013 02:38:18] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] and leave it alone and play the fucking game*
[21/12/2013 02:38:20] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] ffs*
[21/12/2013 02:38:56] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] This is all I'm saying. It's better to talk it out, better than to accuse.
[21/12/2013 02:39:11] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] You've got to have cold-hard evidence that 'Goog' has done such thing.
[21/12/2013 02:39:13] {=A.A.S.=}Zork [DEFENSE] respect ADMIN
[21/12/2013 02:39:30] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] screw that. no charges filed. noone in jail. so quit accus
[21/12/2013 02:39:39] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ur breaking the TOS
[21/12/2013 02:39:42] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] so stop
[21/12/2013 02:40:00] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] but its ok to talk shit 1st to me though right?
[21/12/2013 02:40:07] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] yeah ok
[21/12/2013 02:43:26] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ok guys listen. just stop all the accusing
[21/12/2013 02:43:30] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and just play
[21/12/2013 02:43:36] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] and everything will be fine
[21/12/2013 02:43:46] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] just stop the kiddie shit and play the damn game
[21/12/2013 02:44:04] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u keep talking nobody is talking but u rap
[21/12/2013 02:44:10] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] ty
[21/12/2013 02:44:11] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] and you keep on going...
[21/12/2013 02:44:29] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] u need the last word ? go ahead u can have it
[21/12/2013 02:44:39] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] shuttt uppp*
[21/12/2013 02:44:40] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] now*
[21/12/2013 02:44:44] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] shut up dagod. ur the one agging it on
[21/12/2013 02:44:45] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] All he's asking is to stop accusation... IS THAT SO HARD MAN?
[21/12/2013 02:44:50] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ur gonna get ur clan into shit
[21/12/2013 02:44:57] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] so shut up and play
[21/12/2013 02:45:04] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] rap I'm not scared of u
[21/12/2013 02:45:08] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] sigh...
[21/12/2013 02:45:11] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] He's not threatening you.
[21/12/2013 02:45:16] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] quit the macho shit.
[21/12/2013 02:45:17] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] Stop all
[21/12/2013 02:45:18] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] and ur cheerleader either
[21/12/2013 02:45:34] {=A.A.S.=}DaGod=O= [DEFENSE] All i hear is hot air
[21/12/2013 02:45:34] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] love is in the air ..<
[21/12/2013 02:45:45] ..Ba^La..Kengacero [DEFENSE] PLS CAN UR GUYS STOP and let`s play
[21/12/2013 02:45:47] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] what are you guys complaining about?
[21/12/2013 02:45:51] backpain4u2 [ASSAULT] This is SOMETHING serious.
[21/12/2013 02:45:53] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] ok fine he wants to play like that
[21/12/2013 02:45:54] {=A.A.S.=}C0RRUPTER [DEFENSE] group hugs
[21/12/2013 02:46:00] CrocHunter[-MyL-] [ASSAULT] save the drama for yo momma
[21/12/2013 02:46:07] bilhamshield [ASSAULT] loll
[21/12/2013 02:46:13] |M|Rapture [ASSAULT] nah thats it corrupter
[21/12/2013 02:46:22] 82nd_G2P_2LT=Patriot [SPECTATOR] I'd had enough*

There's your warning I gave you prick.

Posted by: HardMatic (

Patriot you let rapture and his crew to infulence you on taking sides and allowing intentional tks to happen in the server

no warning no nothing no mute nothing you was just thirsty to kick ban me for kicking u the other night
»12/22/2013 15:06 Profile Visit Website

Account Deleted Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Joined: 6/6/2006
Posts: 65514

Originally posted by: 82nd_H1_CSM=Patriot
Quit being a cry baby about getting tk'd ffs grow up. I didn't see anyone get tk'd maybe I joined late but I saw you attacking Rap,Atti,Goog and Me. So go ahead ban me from your server for no reason. Truthfully I don't care lol I'm not gunna piss and moan like a impotent jerk. Now Grow up and accept the fact you are banned and there's nothing changing that. And I haven't talked to Spanky yet and I want to give him MY side of the story not what anyone else said. And btw to add I don't hang with Rapture a lot. I swap from teamspeak's to teamspeak's because unlike you almost everyone on the AA025 community actually thinks I'm an awesome guy.
»12/22/2013 14:59 Profile Visit Website

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

Spanky threaten to ban all of us involved including patriot for a week on the forums about this incident . if it kept going, lack of evidence
»12/22/2013 14:35

Visitor Re: {=A.A.S=}DaGod=O=/HardMatic

Posted by: HardMatic (

Harassment is basically a on going situation between people that spend enough time with each other, this situation was 1 incident . I will not tolerate being bullied from nobody , and i will Defend a Minor who says a grown ass man send her porn links , Anybody here has kids? I do. Her Father sent the info to the Authorities ,way before this incident , just talk to her pops last night. I was bullied growing up but the difference between back then and Now, back then you had to beat the shit out of a bully . now you just report them to the police, Like I said I respect Shadow, Hitman , Glad,Soup,Abused,even billy even though we had issues No Disrespect intended to any of those names . Patriot hangs with rapture and them on TS, and Rapture and whoever likes to talk behind my back call me a hybrid human/alien , Attitude switches accounts, Dav3 was his buddy , the difference between him and dave atti moves like a snake and dav moves like a lion, I'm pretty sure patriots spends time on ts with rap ,atti at least them too, goog never clicked with me from the jump, he made remarks about watermelons , that was before the Zombie incident . so he tked me nobody said nothing or said hey that was wrong , no , people started making jokes and insulting so , I fired back can't take the insults but you shouldn't give them .
»12/22/2013 14:29

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